ICC Software has been in business since 2002.
It was started by a Software Engineer with over 14 years of experience developing software. ICC Software has consulted many fortune 500 companies and also the U.S. Government.
ICC Software has developed proprietary enterprise software solutions ranging from biometric security software (fingerprint scan), employee productivity software, to document management and conversion software. ICC Software
will soon release its new biometrics hardware and software called Identity Check! For more information download a brochure on our products. We also offer project planning and
document conversion services. Please call us for more details or pricing.
ICC has delivered full scale solutions for the U.S. Army in the past with a complete CCTV, Fiber Optics, and IDS solution to Robert Gray & Hood Army Airfields at Ft. Hood TX. ICC's most recent project delivered a complete ACP-Access Control Point Security solution for the U.S. Army Ft. Hood Installation, that consisted of all software, overhead traffic equipment, video equipment, networking, barrier gates, and complete above and underground cabling for the ACP infrastructure. ICC software currently is delivering solutions for the U.S. Air Force, by servicing and supporting a enterprise IDS solution for Dyess AFB located in Abilene TX.
ICC will now be delivering a multitude of service and support solutions to the Dept. of the Navy, including SPAWAR, NAVSEA, and other Naval enitities, via our seaport-e prime contract award. This will allow ICC to continue to expand and deliver new solutions to additional Federal customers throughout CONUS and OCONUS locations.
Download our capability statement and past performance information below.